Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mommyhood Is NOT What I Thought It Would Be

So I always had this image in my head growing up as to what I thought life would be like once I became a mommy.......

Some women have perfect pregnancies, perfect deliveries and easy perfect children.  They loved every moment of being pregnant.  If they had morning sickness at all they didn't care because it was all part of the pregnancy package.  Their labor was amazing whether they decided to go natural or have an epidural.  Their children are so easy and never give them cause for complaint.  Everything happened according to schedule and give us the delusion that every woman's experience will be the same.


Between the morning sickness, migraine headaches, bloating and general feeling that I looked like a whale, pregnancy was not my friend.  To top that off with each of my two pregnancies I was very pregnant during the winter months.  Ideal you may say?  Not to me....feeling like a huge bloated whale while having to wear bulky winter clothes is not fun.  I so longed to wear cute little summer maternity clothes.

Delivering my children...well I'll spare the details but well labor is labor.

So after bringing my children home and watching them grow and develop I have realized one very important lesson....

I will love my children unconditionally until the day I die.  I would absolutely do anything for them...even give up my life for them.  However as much as I love them....

I do not always like them. 

Being a mommy means giving up a lot and having to put up with even more for two demanding little people.  It's not always easy trying to figure out what either of them wants or needs especially if they are demanding something at the same time.  Most of the time I feel like I want to pull my hair out and scream at the top of my lungs.  Some days I don't know how I'll make it through until my husband gets home.  Of all the fantasies I had growing up about what being a mommy would be like, the reality is the complete opposite.  However.....

Being a mommy is the most important job I have ever had and I would not change my decision for all the money in the world.

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